Comic, Seven Panels
Panel 1: The figure is looking up at the tendrils of magic swirling around and into him as he continues his chanting.
Panel 2: Spray paint cans on the shelf behind rattle from the forces filling the room. Chanting continues.
Panel 3: The shadowy flame of a candle grows even larger. Chanting continues.
Panel 4: A tenrdil of dark magic covers the figure's eyes as he shouts the final words of the incantation.
Panel 5: The candles go out, leaving small trails of smoke. the flow of shadowy magic has ceased. The basement remains dim, but a faint light from the floor above reaches down the stairs to fimly light the room.
Panel 6: The figure looks worried.
Panel 7: His eyes go dead white as his chest suddenly lurches forward, a sickening crunch sound emanating from within him. SFX: KRALK